Monday, December 29, 2008

Measuring Up

Tonight I listened to a sermon by Dr. James McDonald. It was so good. I will past my notes ... and this picture of 8 principles to live by. It showed be alot. I have been thinking alot about what I can be doing better to live for God and to show others that i belong to him, so that I dont look like just another person on this planet....I though you all would like to read it...if you want to listen to the message go to... and it is In Your Appetites ( Part 1 ) I would highly recomend it. Let me know what you think. :) Here are my notes too....

· Hebrew 5
· Measure Up…
· It is Gods desire for us to be growing in him.
§ Fruits of the sprit…how long have we known him and where should we be for how long we have known him.
· Hebrews 5:11 -
11 There is much more we would like to say about this, but it is difficult to explain, especially since you are spiritually dull and don’t seem to listen. 12 You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word.[c] You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food. 13 For someone who lives on milk is still an infant and doesn’t know how to do what is right. 14 Solid food is for those who are mature, who through training have the skill to recognize the difference between right and wrong.
· There is much we are supposed to be learning and we are not supposed to be suborn about it. We are to do it.
· People approach Gods word … after we get a little more sin….so that we can get more sin before we have to go to God.
· Can we not hear Gods word anymore…become dull of hearing. Just like a truck driver who doesn't hear the beep
§ 5 things we need to do, take part in and have control of to follow God.
· Faith -
· Faith comes from hearing Gods word. With out faith we can not be in God
· When you have trials do you panic or live by faith and whip open your bible?
· Forgiveness -
· If you want relationships that last you have to learn to forgive. (there are no enduring relationships without forgiveness)
3. Music, Friends, TV, and Internet -
· Friends, music, TV, and internet control you (foolishness is bound up in the heart of the child.)
4. Chose to sin chose to suffer -
· Every time God says don’t he tell you from a loving hear.
· Whatever you sow you reap
· You receive what you do.
· Have you ever obeyed God and suffered? NO
· Have you ever disobeyed God and suffered? YES
§ Dull of hearing and discernment
· Hebrews 5:14 - who through training have the skill to recognize the difference between right and wrong.
· Discernment response to what it experiences. Can be trained by practicing. Discerning between good and evil….
· Evil = run for the hills
· Why do we linger by sin .. ? Because our discernment is weak.
· Matthew 24:4-13
· Romans 14
· 1 Corinthians 6
§ Failure to hear the heart behind the issue
· think deep about what God wants not what the world things.
· Christianity is not some love fest.
· We are to love god with all of our soul, strength, and minds. GOOD MINDS FOR CHRIST. Lets use them. Using your will. Measuring up and growing and looking deep into what God has for us.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Loss Of Meaning

The loss of meaning. Do you realize we have lost the meaning of Christmas, or even Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family, and a time to be thankful for all that God has blessed you with, yet it is looked past. It goes right from Halloween to Christmas. Yet this year I have found that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because you get to be with family and eat. There is no pressure for present or anything. Christmas is all want, want, and want, always wanting this and that. A new ipod because mine isn’t big enough, or I want a new cell phone because so and so’s is cooler than mine. Have you ever thought about how is Christmas spelt? CHRISTmas!! Is it spelt like that on purpose or not? On Christmas people need GOD not things. People are not filling the void they feel within themselves with presents that void is only filled through Christ. Why do we not do anything about this. Is it because we are scared or because it is easier to look past and just go on with our lives? What would happen if we step out of our comfort zones and grew through the experience of making Christmas how is it supposed to be? What are you doing to do with your CHRISTmas?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Why Is It So Hard To...

Timing. I feel like I am always rushing things. Wanting things that I need to wait for because it just isn’t time yet. Maybe I’m not ready. Maybe I need to learn something before that happens. Maybe I just need to be patient. My Maker has a time and a place for everything I just need to trust him.

Trust. Trust is something you earn it doesn’t not come easily. You have to believe in that person, that they will protect, guide, and not harm you. My Creator will never hurt me. He will always protect, and always believe in me. I just have to do the same for him. Trust Him.
Pain, is a hard thing. It hurts. Pain is a part of every day. It is something we all go through. It is hard but it makes you grow in to the person you are today. I know I wouldn’t be the same person if I didn’t go through the things I have. Endure the pain it is there for a purpose. To teach you.

Learning. I learn something new every day. Not necessarily in school. More like life lessons, such as living according to Gods ways. Living how He lived. Living to be different. Making a difference. Not living on the fence but living for Him.

In the end it all ends up coming back to Him and trusting him, spending time with him for him to teach, heal, guide, protect, love, and grow you and me into who we are. I think we lack, time we need to spend with Him, I know I do.